October 3, 2005

I have just finished reading an excellent book - it is by John Batelle, and is called The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture. I think most people who read my blog know that I am a medical librarian, and you probably know that I am a self-confessed Google-freak! I am practically obsessed with Google.

The framework for this book is more about search technologies and uses Google as the primary case example for how internet searching has evolved over time. As a libarian, my career is all about organizing, locating and retreiving information and I do think Google has such ambitious goals in this area. Of course, many other search companies do as well and I do keep up with what other major players (i.e. Yahoo) are doing too. But I particularly enjoyed this book because I learned quite a bit about the history of Google and other companies and how they developed their current business model. A great read.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Ohhh, sounds interesting. I will have to check it out. I love Google too :) How did we ever survive without Google?