June 29, 2005

MY COUSIN GOT DRAFTED TO THE NEW YORK KNICKS LAST NIGHT!!! --- okay, so i'm exaggerating the situation, but I am still proud. :-) My stepmother's cousin got drafted to the New York Knicks last night - Channing Frye (you can watch the video clip on the Knick's home page.) He was #8 pick, round 1 draft!! I am very happy for her family today. I don't even know Channing, never even talked to him, but I know everyone in the family is very proud of him and I'm happy for him to. :-) The family reunion is in two weeks, so if he is there, I will make a point to congratulate him.

In other news, I am very wrapped up in life these days. I don't expect things to settle until after the move (about one more month), so bear with me....

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